Compare prices for AMD MI300X across cloud providers.


Provider GPUs VRAM vCPUs RAM Price/h
TensorWave 8x MI300X 1536GB -- -- On Request

Note: Prices are subject to change, and may vary by region and other factors not listed here. I included links to launch GPUs using Shadeform (our sponsor) so you can see if they're available right now. There's no fees to use their service and I don't get a commission when you use these links.


TF32 (TFLOPs) 653.7
FP16 (TFLOPs) 1307.4
BFLOAT16 (TFLOPs) 1307.4
INT8 (TOPS) 2614.9
FP8 (TFLOPs) 2614.9
FP64 vector 81.7
FP32 vector 163.4
FP64 matrix 163.4
FP32 matrix 163.4
Decoders 4 groups for HEVC/H.265, AVC/H.264, V1, or AV1
JPEG/MJPEG CODEC 32 cores, 8 cores per group
Virtualization support SR-IOV, up to 8 partitions
Form factor OAM module
Lithography 5nm FinFET, 6nm FinFET
GPU compute units 304
Matrix cores 1216
Stream processors 19,456
Peak engine clock 2100 MHz
Memory capacity Up to 192 GB HBM3
Memory bandwidth 5.3 TB/s max. peak theoretical
Memory interface 8192 bits
AMD Infinity Cache™ (last level) 256 MB
Memory clock Up to 5.2 GT/s
Scale-up Infinity Fabric™ Links 7x 128 GB/s
I/O to host CPU 1 PCIe® Gen 5 x16 (128 GB/s)
Scale-out network bandwidth PCIe Gen 5 x16 (128 GB/s)
RAS features Full-chip ECC memory, page retirement, page avoidance
Maximum TBP 750W

You can find the official datasheet here.

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