What's good about...

Replicate logo Replicate

  • Run AI/ML models without having to manage the infrastructure
  • Excellent web UI to explore and try out models without code
  • Train and deploy custom models using Cog

Replicate logo Vercel

  • Superb developer experience, from git push to deployed globally in seconds
  • First class support for Next.js and other frontend frameworks
  • Great API to issue custom domains for SaaS projects
  • Very active community and plenty of learning resources

Price comparison

How do Replicate's prices compare against Vercel?

Example configuration Replicate Vercel
Managed PostgreSQL -- $151.38 / mo 1440h compute, 50 GB storage, 10 GB read/mo 5 GB write/mo
Managed Redis®* -- $90.72 / mo 10 req/s @ $0.35 per 100k reqs
Serverless 25M Executions -- $108.75 / mo 25M invocations, 512 MB RAM, 150 ms duration
Free egress allowance -- 100 GB - 1 TB, depends on plan
1 TB of egress beyond allowance -- $150.00 $0.15 / GB (Edge)

Replicate uses a metered billing model. You only pay as long as your code is running, billed by the second based on the hardware selected.

Replicate offers GPUs in the following configurations:

Name GPUs VRAM vCPUs RAM Price/h
Nvidia T4 1x T4 16GB 4 16GB $0.81 Source
Nvidia A40 (Small) 1x A40 48GB 4 16GB $2.07 Source
Nvidia A40 (Large) 1x A40 48GB 10 72GB $2.61 Source
Nvidia A100 (40GB) 1x A100 40GB 10 72GB $4.14 Source
Nvidia A100 (80GB) 1x A100 80GB 10 144GB $5.04 Source
2x Nvidia A40 (Large) 2x A40 96GB 20 144GB $5.22 Source
2x Nvidia A100 (40GB) 2x A100 80GB 20 144GB $8.28 Source
2x Nvidia A100 (80GB) 2x A100 160GB 20 288GB $10.08 Source
4x Nvidia A40 (Large) 4x A40 192GB 40 288GB $10.44 Source
4x Nvidia A100 (40GB) 4x A100 160GB 40 288GB $16.56 Source
4x Nvidia A100 (80GB) 4x A100 320GB 40 576GB $20.16 Source
8x Nvidia A40 (Large) 8x A40 384GB 48 680GB $20.88 Source
8x Nvidia A100 (80GB) 8x A100 640GB 80 960GB $40.32 Source

Note: Our pricing examples are based on several assumptions. Your actual costs may differ. Always check the cloud provider's website for the most up-to-date pricing.

Which services do they offer

Here are some managed services that Replicate and Vercel offer:

Service Replicate Vercel
Content Delivery Network (CDN) --
GPU-powered Servers --
Managed PostgreSQL --
Managed Redis®* --
Object Storage --
Serverless Cron Jobs --
Serverless Functions --
Static Sites --

Company details

Website replicate.com
Headquarters United States of America 🇺🇸
Founded 2019
Data Center Locations --
Example Customers BuzzFeed, PhotoAI, Magnific, Unsplash, HeadshotPro
Website vercel.com
Headquarters United States of America 🇺🇸
Founded 2015
Data Center Locations 18
Example Customers Box, Runway, Sonos, eBay, The Washington Post

Alternatives to consider

Want to see how Replicate and Vercel compare against other providers? Check out these other comparisons:

More comparisons

Our data for Replicate was last updated on Sept. 25, 2024, and for Vercel on Sept. 28, 2024.