What's good about...

Fly.io logo Fly.io

  • Excellent tooling and developer experience
  • Fast deployments, scale to zero, little config needed
  • Wide range of instance configurations at competitive prices

Fly.io logo TensorWave

  • Their platform uses AMD's Instinct MI300X GPUs, which offer higher memory specs and processing power compared to Nvidia's H100
  • Native support for PyTorch and TensorFlow with no code changes
  • Immediate GPU availability and can reserve for up to 3 years

Price comparison

How do Fly.io's prices compare against TensorWave?

Example configuration Fly.io TensorWave
VM Small $10.70 / mo 1 vCPU, 2 GB RAM (Shared-CPU-1x) --
VM Medium $42.79 / mo 4 vCPU, 8 GB RAM (Shared-CPU-4x) --
VM Large $328.04 / mo 8 CPU, 32 GB RAM (Performance-8x) --
Block Storage $15.00 / mo 100 GB --
Object Storage $21.00 / mo 1 TB --
Load Balancer Included in plan --
Managed PostgreSQL $33.90 / mo 2 vCPU, 4 GB RAM, 50 GB storage --
Free egress allowance 100 GB / mo --
1 TB of egress beyond allowance $20.00 --

Fly.io offers GPUs in the following configurations:

Name GPUs VRAM vCPUs RAM Price/h
L40S 1x L40S 48GB -- -- $1.25
A10 1x A10 24GB -- -- $1.50
A100 40G PCIe 1x A100 40GB -- -- $2.50
A100 80G SXM 1x A100 80GB -- -- $3.50

TensorWave offers bare metal GPU nodes and fully managed Kubernetes clusters. You can reserve nodes for periods ranging from 6 months to 3 years.

While their pricing is not yet publicly available, you can request a quote on their website.

TensorWave offers GPUs in the following configurations:

Name GPUs VRAM vCPUs RAM Price/h
AMD MI300X 8x MI300X 1536GB -- -- On Request

Note: Our pricing examples are based on several assumptions. Your actual costs may differ. Always check the cloud provider's website for the most up-to-date pricing.

Which services do they offer?

Here are some of the managed services that Fly.io and TensorWave offer:

Service Fly.io TensorWave
Block Storage --
GPU-powered Servers
Load Balancer --
Managed Containers --
Managed Kubernetes --
Managed PostgreSQL --
Object Storage --
Static Sites --
Virtual Private Server (VPS) --

Company details

Website fly.io
Headquarters United States of America 🇺🇸
Founded 2017
Data Center Locations 35
Example Customers Cars.com, Fanatics, Tailscale, Supabase, Glitch
Website tensorwave.com
Headquarters United States of America 🇺🇸
Founded 2023
Data Center Locations 2
Example Customers --

Alternatives to consider

Want to see how Fly.io and TensorWave compare against other providers? Check out these other comparisons:

More comparisons

Our data for Fly.io was last updated on July 24, 2024, and for TensorWave on Sept. 7, 2024.